When Covid-19 was at its height and many businesses were in lock-down DoEs in Liverpool (a makerspace hub where people can come together and collaborate on projects and make things) remained open as many of its users could not operate their businesses without them.
Despite this there was still capacity for using the machines and they hit upon a fantastic idea!
After research, and a few prototypes they came up with a visor which was quick and easy to manufacture, comfortable for practitioners to wear, and easy to assemble. With their band of (socially distanced) volunteers they were able to make and distribute over 25,000 visors to hospitals, care homes, pharmacies and other locations across the North-West.
The entire project was funded by donations from the public and they agreed that once it was finished any money left over would be donated to local hospitals.
We were thrilled this week when a donation of £1,123.52 arrived to support the work of LHCH Charity. We can’t thank them enough, not only for this wonderful gift but for also helping us with the PPE that was so needed during that difficult time. We think you are amazing!!!