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Help us to beat Lung Cancer

Nearly 50,000 people a year are diagnosed with lung cancer.  But with your help we can give them the hope of the best possible outcome using state of the art equipment. 


Early treatment saves lives

People who are diagnosed have a good chance of survival if their cancer is detected early and LHCH is leading the way in working with our communities to provide screening.

We also want to ensure that once the diagnosis has been made that they have access to the very latest treatments to give them the best chance of beating lung cancer.

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Lung cancer treatments have changed enormously over the last few years and if we are to stay at the forefront of caring for our patients then we need to invest in an Electro-magnetic Bronchoscopy system. 

This new system will allow us to:

Image by Robina Weermeijer

Collect tissue across the whole lung including difficult to reach places without the need for invasive surgical procedures. 

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Provide more personalised treatments to identify which alternative treatments would provide the most benefit. 

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Use both laser and cryotherapy to remove lesions or widen airways in a non-invasive way minimising the risk to patients.

How you can make a difference 

This is why we are asking you to support our campaign to bring this new and vitally important piece of equipment to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital.  So please, if you can make a donation to help us help more people with lung cancer.

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